20 Qualities Of A Lady

21 Qualities of a Lady

Class largely comes from a woman’s sense of self – from confidence without brashness, from courtesy, from kindness, and often includes a distinct sense of style.

A lady displays self-respect, class, appreciation, and etiquette. She does not allow her mood to affect her manners. Being a lady doesn’t mean that you should be snobby or stuck up, but that you should have dignity, consideration, and moderation in your daily actions.

Here are the 20 characteristics of a lady: 

1. A lady is not mean to other women. A lady is not a mean girl. She ignores women who are spiteful to her and goes about her life on her terms.

2. A lady refrains from using vulgar language. She understands that the language you use represents your mind and heart.

3. She dresses tastefully. The key here is to dress with dignity. It does not have to cost much; it’s more important to find clothes that fit you right.

4. A lady is well read and intelligent.

5. A lady speaks with confidence and talks clearly for others to understand her. Avoid saying “hi,” or “um” as this will make you look unrefined.

6. She is mindful of people’s time and is punctual.

7.  She says “No, thank you” or “Yes, please.”

8. She only gives compliments when she sincerely means it. Insecurities are easier to read than we think.

9. A lady offers her help and is considerate to those around her.

10. When she receives an invitation, she promptly accepts or declines.

11. When she receives help or hospitality from someone she sends a thank you note to display her gratitude.

12. Every time she attends a gathering she never arrives empty-handed. She brings a small hostess gift.

13. A lady is a woman of her word. She has a respectable reputation based on her consistency. She keeps her promises and obligations. She’s known amongst her friends and family as someone who is dependable.

14. A lady knows her worth and knows she deserves to be pursued.

15. A lady is not petty. She is not jealous of the woman whom her husband is chatting. A lady knows she’s competing only with herself.

16. They’re dignified. Oh sure, they get upset and angry, everyone does, but ladies stay calm. They respond to the issue and not the person.

17. A lady is a woman of substance. She is talented in all areas and inspires other women. 

18. Being a lady and acting lady-like does not mean that you are entitled or snobby. Practice having a heart of gratitude.

19. A lady actively listens and engages in conversations.

20. A lady seeks the truth and does not believe everything she hears. She defends the truth even when it isn’t popular. She has a strong sense of right and wrong.